Search Results
Appeal by George Galloway MP Vice-President of Stop the War Coalition
George Galloway, NO MORE WAR 2012 APPEAL, Stop The War Coalition
Message to Stop the War From Moscow - George Galloway
George Galloway MP - Stop the War Conference 2009 - Viva Palestina
George Galloway - Stop The War Coalition conference - June 6th 2015
George Galloway - Respect Party - Dont Attack Iran - Stop the War Coalition 06.12.11
A New Year of War and Terror | George Galloway MP | 19/01/15
George Galloway MP | Protest for Gaza Stop the BBC blocking Gaza Aid Appeal | 24th January 2009
George Galloway: Why I won't condemn attacks on UK soldiers in Afghanistan
George Galloway accused of anti-Semitism on BBC
Unlikely Alliance: The Emerging Anti-War Coalition in Congress
Shlomo Sand talks to George Galloway about the Invention of Jewish People - (SD).mp4